When a Puppy Whines a Lot: Keep Your Pet Healthy

19.12.2023 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Tiny puppies often act like little kids - they can sometimes whine when they want something, or just to attract your attention.

Meanwhile, if your puppy whines quite a lot, it might also be a sign that something is wrong with it.

Here are a few popular reasons why it happens.


Whining is a puppy's way of communicating. 

They might be expressing discomfort, hunger, or the need to go outside.



Puppies often whine to get your attention. It might be their way of saying, "Hey, notice me!"

Anxiety or Loneliness

Puppies may whine when they feel anxious or lonely. 

This can happen when they are separated from their littermates or when left alone.

Physical Discomfort

If a puppy is in pain or discomfort, whining can be a way of expressing this. 

It could be due to health issues or even an uncomfortable sleeping arrangement.

Hunger or Thirst

Like babies, puppies whine when they are hungry or thirsty. 

Ensuring they have regular meals and access to water can help.

Need for Bathroom Breaks

Puppies have small bladders, and they may whine when they need to go outside for a bathroom break.


Teething can be uncomfortable for puppies, and they may whine as a response to the pain and irritation.


Puppies may whine when they are overly excited or anticipating something fun.

Fear or Insecurity

New environments or experiences might make a puppy feel scared or insecure, leading to whining.

Unmet Socialization Needs

Puppies are naturally social animals. 

Lack of proper socialization can result in anxiety, and whining might be a manifestation of this.

Recently, we talked about sense of humor in animals.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Communication
  2. Attention-Seeking
  3. Anxiety or Loneliness
  4. Physical Discomfort
  5. Hunger or Thirst
  6. Need for Bathroom Breaks
  7. Teething
  8. Excitement
  9. Fear or Insecurity
  10. Unmet Socialization Needs