Why a cat won’t let itself be petted: experts named the main reasons

28.04.2024 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Sometimes cats don't allow people to pet them.

In the article we will tell you what causes this behavior of the animal.

Why doesn't a cat allow itself to be petted

As a rule, the cat is poorly socialized or the animal has had an extremely negative experience with humans.

Most often, cats that live outside are bitten.

They are not used to contact with a person or have negative experience of such communication.


Breed also plays a big role. Some breeds are not as affectionate as others.

If you have a Siamese or British cat, you shouldn’t be surprised that your pet doesn’t always allow itself to be petted.

Illness may also be the cause. Cats may be uncomfortable or even hurt when you touch them.

If your pet has always been affectionate, but suddenly its behavior has changed, this is a reason to seek the advice of a veterinarian.

After all, these may be symptoms of any disorders in the body or diseases.

In addition, the animal may get tired of your affection.

A cat always shows if it doesn’t like something: it tenses up, stops purring, twists its ears and wags its tail from side to side.

Previously, we told you what to do if your cat is often left alone at home.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource