Why cats are afraid of vacuum cleaners: The scariest thing in the whole house

21.06.2023 02:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Pets are often afraid of vacuum cleaners, so they sometimes run away and hide when they see the unplugged vacuum cleaner.

If you don't understand why your cat is afraid of your vacuum cleaner so much, then read this article.

It's way scarier for your cat than you think!

Loud Noise

Vacuum cleaners produce a loud and unfamiliar noise that can startle cats. 

Cats have acute hearing, and the loud noise generated by vacuum cleaners can be overwhelming and distressing for them.



Along with the noise, vacuum cleaners also create vibrations as they move across the floor. 

Cats are highly sensitive to vibrations, and the shaking caused by the vacuum cleaner can be unsettling for them.

Unpredictable Movement

The back-and-forth movement of the vacuum cleaner can mimic predatory behavior, triggering the cat's instinctual response to flee or hide. 

The sudden and unpredictable movement can make cats feel threatened or anxious.

Suction and Airflow

Some cats may also be frightened by the suction and airflow produced by vacuum cleaners. 

The sensation of air being pulled towards the vacuum cleaner can be uncomfortable or even scary for them.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Loud Noise
  2. Vibrations
  3. Unpredictable Movement
  4. Suction and Airflow