You Didn't Know It: Interesting Facts About Chickens

24.07.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Photo: Pixabay

According to a recent analysis, the oldest domestic chicken bones date back to between 1650 and 1250 BC and were found in Thailand.

What is special about chickens

Chickens are very smart animals. Research has shown that chickens are self-aware and can distinguish themselves from others. They learn from each other, like a chicken learning from its mother what foods to eat. Chickens can also display complex problem-solving skills.

Chickens and roosters have a sufficient level of intelligence: they are able to retain in memory the distinctive features of more than 100 individuals (both other chickens and people): thus, they can remember those who treat them badly or well.

They comprehend cause and effect, pass on their knowledge, demonstrate self-control, and even worry.

How do chickens communicate

Domestic chicken communicates with sound signals. An airborne alert is a long continuous scream, while an enemy ground alert is a pounding scream. The chick, being in the egg, a few days before hatching, begins sound communication with the hen, using about a dozen signals for this.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is special about chickens
  2. How do chickens communicate