2 things not to do when cooking rice: secrets that young housewives do not know

04.04.2022 09:15
Updated: 08.04.2023 20:12

Rice is a very healthy dietary product, but many people have difficulties with cooking of rice.

You have to take into account different nuances in order to get a truly delicious dish.

The taste of the finished product is affected by how the cereal was prepared. The method of preparing rice depends on the dish for which the product is intended.

For example, rice for a side dish or for sushi, or for a salad. For a crumbly side dish or pilaf, the rice is washed up to 5-7 times to completely remove the starch.

For risotto, rice is washed a maximum of once, for sushi - three times.

Foto: Pixabay

The result also depends on what kind of rice is available. For friable rice, take a variety of basmati or steamed, for glutinous - polished white rice.

The standard proportions of rice and water are 1:2, but this is not suitable for all dishes. To prepare rice for sushi, 1: 1-1.5 is usually taken.

For the preparation of sweet desserts, the proportions are 2: 1, the rice is boiled until the water is completely absorbed, after which cream or milk is added.

There is also a folding method, i.e. water is taken 2-3 times more, after cooking, the rice is leaned back in a colander. In any case, the manufacturer always writes instructions on the packaging for this particular rice variety.

General Rules for Cooking Rice

1. Rinse the garnish rice thoroughly until the water runs clear. It is more convenient to do this with a sieve.

2. Clean the cereal from debris: low-quality grains, small stones, other grains.

3. Place rice in cold water, add salt, brought to a boil, and then put on a minimum fire.

4. Do not open the lid during cooking and stir the rice.

Secrets of delicious rice:

1. Add a teaspoon of vegetable oil to the rice water.

2. After the cereal is cooked, you can remove the lid, cover the rice with a clean towel for 5-10 minutes to remove excess moisture.

3. After boiling, the rice is placed on a minimum fire, the lid is not removed. After boiling, white rice is cooked for 20 minutes, steamed - 30, brown and wild - from 40 minutes.

4. You can understand that the rice is ready by the stream of steam coming out of the hole in the lid: when you bring your hand to the hole, you should not feel the stream. Then remove the rice from the fire.

5. Culinary experts advise adding spices to rice, such as curry, turmeric, fennel, basil, black pepper, nutmeg, garlic and many others.

6. Ready rice for garnish should not be too hard and not too soft, should be crumbly, and not stick together.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. General Rules for Cooking Rice
  2. Secrets of delicious rice: