Black soot is formed in the oil during frying cutlets (patties): an unfortunate mistake of housewives

19.03.2022 19:15
Updated: 23.03.2022 15:18

When you fry cutlets, and black soot forms on them, then it's time to think about the fact that at some cooking step the housewife made a mistake.

Not always the reason of this is the wrong temperature regime. Maybe it's the coating. Most often, soot in oil is formed due to flour.

The fact is that the flour that is used for breading often burns and after it, you have to wash the pan from burning.

What to do

Professionals recommend using breadcrumbs for this purpose, but it is important to choose the right kitchenware and processing method.

For example, nothing will went wrong if cutlets are placed in a hot frying pan, and the oil does not burn if a thick-bottomed frying pan is used.

cutlets (patties)
Foto: Pixabay

As for vegetable oil, here you should adhere to the golden mean. Otherwise, the cutlets will burn or become very fat.

To prevent this from happening, the oil should cover the pan with a thin layer.

In addition, you should not lay out more than 4-5 meatballs at a time - there is a chance that they will not fry, because they will lie too tightly with each other, and therefore they will start to burn.

In the event that the cutlets begin to burn, you can add a little boiling water, sour cream or gravy.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource