To cook delicious any fish, you need only three ingredients and 15 minutes of time

03.04.2022 09:15

According to this recipe, you can cook any fish very tasty.

You will spend no more than 15 minutes to prepare this yummy.

Ingredients: mackerel (flounder, pink salmon, trout or any other fish suitable for cooking), 2 onions, 300 ml of cucumber or tomato marinade, a bunch of dill, a pinch of salt and pepper.


Clean the fish from the black layer so that it does not taste bitter.

Cut the onion into half rings and put half into the pan, put the chopped pieces of fish on top and put the onion layer again.

Foto: Pixabay

Sprinkle the dish with salt and pepper and pour over the marinade.

No other spices, sugar and vinegar, the fish will cook very fragrant due to the marinade, which already has everything you need for a great taste.

Cook the fish in a pan with a closed lid for 7 minutes.

Try for salt, add finely chopped greens and turn off the fire.

Tasty and juicy fish is ready for any side dish.

The advantage of this cooking method is that after cooking the characteristic smell of fish is not felt at all.

The fragrant marinade interrupts everything.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource