The eggshell “flies off by itself”, and the yolk turns out to be bright and tender: what should be added to the water during boiling eggs

20.03.2022 15:15
Updated: 23.03.2022 15:36

Boiled eggs are the fastest breakfast you can make.

Eggs are also boiled for salads, and served stuffed with fillings.

When the dish is planned to be served on the table, it is necessary that the egg white looks perfectly smooth.

In order for the eggshell can fly off by itself during cooking, you need to add something to the water.

These two ingredients are still able to improve the taste of the product.

Foto: Pixabay

Put eggs at room temperature in cold water, add a spoonful of salt and cook for 10 minutes or as long as the recipe calls for.

When the eggs are cooked, turn off the heat and after 5 minutes, drain the hot water and pour cold. After a few minutes, change the water again.

Now add a spoonful of vinegar to the pan to the eggs.

It is all about that the vinegar will react chemically with calcium and make the shell brittle.

Eggs will peel easy, the yolk will be delicate, and the egg white will be softer and tastier.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource