Fluffy omelet without an oven in 15 minutes: the trick of experienced housewives

29.03.2022 17:15

Many people like to cook an omelette for breakfast, which is considered a simple and tasty dish.

However, some housewives do not get a fluffy omelet, which, once on a plate, instantly falls off.


  • 4 fresh eggs;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • salt (to taste);
  • 50 g butter.

To begin with, break and pour the eggs into a bowl, beat with a whisk or fork, add salt. Then add warm milk and beat the consistency again.

After that, take a glass dish with a thick bottom, which is smeared with butter. Pour the omelette into it.  

Then take a pan, pour water into it and put it on the stove. Place glassware with an omelet on top of the pan, that is, the dish will be steamed.

Foto: Pixabay

The approximate time for which the omelette will be prepared is 13-15 minutes. It usually turns off when water boils in a saucepan.

There is a trick to making an omelet in the oven.

Experienced housewives recommend adding starch or flour to it to give the dish fluffing, which will not disappear even after putting it on a plate.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource