How to cook pasta deliciously and professionally: 6 steps

22.04.2022 19:15
Updated: 09.04.2023 00:34

Probably, pasta is the most versatile dish. You can add meat, poultry, fish, mushrooms or just tomato sauce — a large number of variations for a variety of tastes and moods. 

It remains only to figure out whether they do not harm the figure and how to avoid mistakes in cooking.

Several useful properties of pasta

1. High content of carbohydrates responsible for providing the body with energy. Whole wheat pasta contains 6.3 grams of fiber, which is 24% of the recommended amount of dietary fiber for women and 17% for men.

2. Whole wheat pasta is rich in minerals that are responsible for the development of blood cells. Whole wheat pasta is an excellent source of carotenoids — the same pigment that is contained in flour and gives pasta a yellowish color. 

Thus, they provide the body with folic acid, and together with vitamin B-9, they increase the number of cells in the body, which adds energy and endurance to solve everyday tasks.

Foto: Pixabay

3. Maintaining normal sugar levels. Selenium is found in both white and whole-grain pasta. It has the necessary properties to activate antioxidants. Such a macronutrient as manganese, contained in pasta, maintains the balance of sugar in the blood.

How to cook pasta tasty and professionally

Step 1. Cook the pasta in the right amount of water. For 1 package (450 grams) of pasta, 4 liters of water will be required.

Step 2. Wait for the water to boil completely. Francesco Matillo, the chef of an Italian restaurant, shares: "If you throw the product only into heated, but not boiling water, it will increase the cooking time and deprive it of a grainy texture."

Step 3. Do not add vegetable oil to the water. This is because it makes it difficult for the sauce and pasta to connect. 

In other words, oil is not needed if the pasta is cooked in enough water and is thrown into a saucepan after boiling with large bubbles, then the pasta will not stick together.

Step 4. Do not digest. Pasta, any, is served al dente, that is, on a tooth, that is, cooked for one and a half to two minutes less than stated on the package.

And while the pasta is cooking, do not stir it until it boils so often — it is enough for the first two minutes after getting into boiling water.

Step 5. Do not rinse the finished pasta with water, and even more so with cold water. The dish only loses its taste this way. If you cook pasta, relying on the points above, you can do without washing.

Step 6. The water in which the pasta was cooked will still be useful for the sauce. Added a couple of ladles of pasta water will perfectly combine it with the sauce.

Adhering to these points, it will be possible to surprise guests with delicious pasta, and then tell more about the secrets of its preparation — let everyone know the right steps in cooking pasta.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Several useful properties of pasta
  2. How to cook pasta tasty and professionally