How to make Macedonian salad tastier: You need 2 additive ingredients

24.03.2022 17:15
Updated: 26.03.2022 11:47

There is nothing surprising in the popularity of Macedonian salad in the post-Soviet space.

This salad is very easy to prepare: just cut a few vegetables into cubes, mix them in a deep bowl and season with vegetable oil.

The result is an incredibly tasty dish, the preparation of which has not been spent a lot of time and effort.

It would seem that there can be no tricks that significantly improve the taste of Macedonian salad.

However, mature housewives know life hacks associated with even such a simple dish.

Foto: Pixabay

It is enough to add two available ingredients to the salad, and the taste of the dish will play out in fresh colors.

Secret Components

Macedonian salad will become much more delicious if you add milk and sugar to it.

At first glance, these ingredients cannot improve the dish in any way, as they do not go well with beets, potatoes and other vegetables.

However, the milk and sugar components will not spoil the food. On the contrary, the dish will become even more appetizing. The main thing is not to overdo it with the quantity. One teaspoon of sugar and one tablespoon of milk is enough.

The first component will give the Macedonian salad a light and subtle sweetness, which will only bring out flavour.

The second ingredient will make the salad much softer, tender and juicy.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource