How to properly fry buckwheat: not every housewife knows how to do it

15.04.2022 15:15

There is an opinion that buckwheat should be fried before cooking.

It is done in order to reveal the taste of cereals, making it richer.

We will tell you how to cook buckwheat porridge in a new way, properly fry buckwheat and whether it is worth changing the usual recipe for cooking.

How to cook

First of all you need to sort out the garbage and properly rinse the cereal.

Then pour the buckwheat into a dry frying pan with a thin and even layer and heat it in a frying pan for 3-5 minutes over medium heat.

Foto: Pixabay

Oil should not be added, it is only important to stir the grits.

At this stage, the preliminary preparation is completed.

After that, you can start cooking buckwheat porridge in the usual way in a saucepan.

Or you can immediately pour the cereals with water right in the pan after frying, season, add salt and cover with a lid.

After roasting, the porridge will turn out not only more tasty and fragrant, but also more crumbly.

In addition, frying promotes the release of buckwheat oil, which makes the porridge even more appetizing.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource