How to remove beet stains on a cutting board: salt and citric acid will help – note

09.05.2024 20:54
Updated: 11.05.2024 13:56

Beets often leave behind stains and marks.

We will tell you how to remove red stains from a cutting board.

How to Remove Beet Stains from a Cutting Board

If the beets stain your cutting boards bright pink or purple, this can be cleaned up fairly easily.

Citric acid and table salt are good for removing red stains from a cutting board.

Sprinkle the surface of the board with salt and rub lemon juice on top. Rub the salt vigorously over the surface and leave for 15 minutes.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Then wash everything off with soap and water.

Lemon juice perfectly removes not only contaminated particles, bacteria, but also unpleasant odors.

You can also use ammonia for cleansing. To do this, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of ammonia in a glass of cold water.

Then soak a towel in the solution and wipe away the beet stains.

Leave the mixture on the utensils for just a minute, and then wash off the residue with water and soap.

You can also use hydrogen peroxide for whitening and cleansing.

This should be applied to the surface for a minute and then rinsed thoroughly with soapy water.

Previously, we told you what to add to the beds in May to improve the soil composition.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource