What to do if everything sticks to the pan: the secret of advanced housewives

28.03.2022 17:15

Surely, many housewives have noticed such an unfortunate fact from the “life” of kitchen utensils: over time, the non-stick layer disappears from the pan.

Moreover, this means (most of the keepers of the home will confirm) that everything that is possible and everything that is impossible sticks to the pan.

Do you really have to forget about scrambled eggs, hash browns or fried potatoes? Alternatively, is it time to go to the store for a new frying pan?

And here it is not. One curious method, which, by the way, was used in old times, will allow you to quickly and easily restore the non-stick layer.

Let's get started. To begin with, heat a clean frying pan with coarse salt over low heat. Don't forget to stir. The process should take about 20 minutes.

Foto: Pixabay

After that, rinse the pan under running water, but do not wipe it.

Next, wipe the pan with a fork with gauze wound on it, previously moistened with vegetable oil.

We remove the remaining oil with a tissue.

The next step: pour more vegetable oil and heat for three minutes. Then remove excess oil with a tissue.

Actually, that's all. The non-stick layer is restored and you can fry whatever you want in the pan without fear of any sticking.

Furthermore. The restored layer will last quite a long time. When adhesion problems reappear, repeat the described above process.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource