Why beets for borscht (beetroot soup) need to be stewed: a rule that housewives follow

18.03.2022 18:33
Updated: 08.04.2023 16:18

There are hundreds of cooking methods for borscht. Each housewife makes her own amendments and follows specific technologies.

However many people make a mistake in the process of cooking beets, that is why borscht becomes not flavorful. Therefore, it is worth finding out how to stew beets and why it is necessary.

How to choose and prepare beets

The described method involves the addition of vinegar. First, you need to cut the beets into sticks and add a few grams of vinegar. Stewing should begin on high heat. When the beets settle a bit, the fire must be slacked.

Ripe beets should be stewed for 30 minutes. A young vegetable can be stewed for 10-15 minutes. Of course, in the process of stewing, you need to monitor doneness. You should choose medium-sized beets. If it is too small or large, the taste may be spoiled.

How to keep color: biggest secrets

Most housewives make mistakes, that spoil the color of beets quickly. There are a few cooking tips:

borscht (beetroot soup)
Foto: Pixabay
  1. Peeled and grated beets are poured with a small amount of vegetable oil. It is placed in borscht just before the doneness.
  2. Grated beets can be stewed with tomatoes. There is an important condition: it cannot be overdone, otherwise the color will go away. You can’t stew with tomatoes for a long time, because this will directly affect the taste.
  3. Lemon fixes the color. It is enough to sprinkle with fresh juice and add a little sugar. 

The color of beets is always preserved in an acidic environment. To fix it, you can use:

  • lemon;
  • sauerkraut juice;
  • vinegar.

Which cutting method to choose

It doesn't matter how the beets are cut. Someone uses a knife, grater or combine. It all depends on preference. The most important thing is a full doneness.

Beets need to be stewed separately

Trying to save the time and speed up the process, some housewives stew beets with other vegetables. This is a capital mistake, in this case the color will go away.

There is an important rule: beets should always be stewed separately. This will allow you to control its condition and avoid loss of color.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. How to choose and prepare beets
  2. How to keep color: biggest secrets
  3. Which cutting method to choose
  4. Beets need to be stewed separately