Araucaria: How to Grow

28.01.2024 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Indoor spruce blooms and bears fruit only in natural conditions; you won’t be able to taste its edible seeds from cones at home.

The culture grows quite quickly, up to 20 cm per year.

Within a few years after purchase, araucaria will replace artificial spruce and fill the whole house with a pleasant pine aroma.

What kind of pot is needed for araucaria

For planting, a stable, wide and deep container with drainage holes is suitable.

For each subsequent transplant, you need to select a pot 3–4 cm wider than the previous one.


How to care

The araucaria flower prefers light partial shade and diffused sunlight. In order for the crown of the tree to develop evenly, it must be rotated periodically.

On warm summer days, the “coniferous friend” can be moved to a balcony or windowsill - araucaria loves fresh air.

It is advisable to use boiled or well-infused water. In the summer months, watering should be active; in winter, its intensity should be reduced.

It is important to ensure that the top layer of soil does not dry out, as this can slow down the development of araucaria.

The branches of the tree should be regularly sprayed with water.

Do I need to prune araucaria

Araucaria varifolia should be pruned as needed. In general, pruning of these trees should be done to remove damaged, yellowed, dying or dead foliage.

It is also necessary to prune this plant to remove any fused or intersecting shoots.

Previously, we told you how to grow aucuba.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What kind of pot is needed for araucaria
  2. How to care
  3. Do I need to prune araucaria