Aucuba: How to Grow

23.01.2024 16:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Aucuba grows well in both deep shade and bright light. It is highly not recommended to grow variegated species in shady conditions, since the same decorative pattern will disappear from the surface of the plates.

When does Aucuba bloom

Flowering occurs in April-May, but the exact timing depends on the region of growth.

Aucuba flowers are inconspicuous and inconspicuous, small and hidden among dense foliage.

After flowering, scarlet or orange berries appear on the bush, which attract attention and are a decorative element of the plant.

What does Aucuba like

For aucuba, choose a wide, not very high pot. To form a beautiful crown of the aucuba, the upper shoots are pruned in March.


Cuttings can be used as material for growing new plants.

Aucuba loves low temperatures: in summer up to +20, in winter – up to +14-15 degrees.

Bright sunlight is contraindicated; when placing the plant, avoid the south side of the house.

Watering is moderate with mandatory spraying.

When can Aucuba be replanted

The most suitable time to transplant Japanese aucuba is spring.

This period provides mild weather conditions in which Aucuba japonica thrives and reduces transplant shock.

Previously, we told you how to grow a peach from a pit.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. When does Aucuba bloom
  2. What does Aucuba like
  3. When can Aucuba be replanted