Celandine: How to Grow

09.02.2024 16:13
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Celandine can be planted anywhere in the garden, even where nothing else grows in the area.

Since celandine is a weed, it does not require any attention at all.

How to grow

Celandine helps in the fight against pests and plant diseases.

If the soil is infested with pests, then you can use a simple method.

Before planting bulbous plants on the site, incorporate celandine into the soil.


Celandine propagates by seeds or cuttings of rhizomes.

It can be sown in sun, shade, and partial shade.

You can sow seeds in open ground in winter (this is provided that the seeds are sown just collected).

If the seeds are from last year, then they are not as likely to germinate.

Celandine grows well in any type of soil and does not require regular watering or fertilizing.

Previously, we told you how to grow pecans.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource