Gardening Secrets: How to Grow Roses

22.05.2023 13:21
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Roses are one of the most beautiful flowers. In the article, you will learn how to grow a flower in your garden.

How to grow roses

In growing these vibrant flowers, it is very important to choose a suitable planting site.

Choose a warm, well-lit area that will be protected from cold winds.

Together with the sun, roses will bloom more abundantly. Therefore, avoid shaded areas in the garden for planting.

The south and southeast side of the site is ideal. Thus, the morning sun rays will fall on the roses.


However, the shady area is suitable for climbing varieties of roses.

Plant roses in the spring when the winter frosts are behind them. Since it is a thermophilic plant.

If you plant a rose in the fall, there is a chance that the plant will not have time to take root and die from the cold. 

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource