Herbs that are easier to grow indoors than outdoors: Create a tiny garden at home

30.07.2023 18:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Growing herbs indoors can be a convenient and rewarding way to have fresh herbs at hand throughout the year, especially in regions with harsh weather conditions or limited outdoor space. 

Some herbs are particularly well-suited for indoor cultivation due to their adaptability to indoor environments and relatively lower maintenance needs. 

Here are some herbs that are generally easier to grow indoors than outdoors.


Basil is one of the most popular herbs for indoor gardening. It thrives in warm indoor temperatures and enjoys ample sunlight. 

Regular harvesting promotes bushier growth and prevents flowering, which can make the plant less flavorful.



Parsley is a versatile herb that grows well indoors. 

It prefers bright, indirect light and can tolerate slightly cooler temperatures. 

Regular watering and well-draining soil are essential for parsley plants.


Chives are easy to grow indoors and can tolerate lower light conditions. 

They are relatively low maintenance and can thrive in pots or small containers.


Mint is known for its vigorous growth, which can make it invasive in outdoor gardens. 

Growing mint indoors allows you to control its spread more easily. Mint prefers bright, indirect light and regular watering.


Oregano is relatively low maintenance and can thrive indoors with adequate sunlight. 

It enjoys well-draining soil and can tolerate dry conditions.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Basil
  2. Parsley
  3. Chives
  4. Mint
  5. Oregano