How to Attract Pollinators to Your Garden: Plant Coneflower

20.04.2023 00:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Coneflower is a beautiful perennial herb whose flower scent attracts pollinators. Coneflower has beneficial properties, which is why herbal tea is made from it.

Planting coneflower from a pot

Plant the plant in the spring when the frosts are behind.

Choose a sunny location with good soil for planting.

In addition, coneflower can be grown in a pot and planted in the garden:

  • Dig a hole about twice the size of the pot.
  • Pour a small amount of compost into the hole.
  • Place the plant in the hole and dig in while holding the crown above the soil.
  • Apply a thin layer of mulch to the soil.
  • Pour over the coneflower.

Planting coneflower seeds

Plant the seeds in the spring to a depth of ¼ inch.

Photo: Pixabay

To make the plant grow faster, seeds can be grown indoors and then transplanted into 2-inch seedlings in the garden.

Coneflower care

In order for the plant to bloom and grow for more than one year, some care rules should be followed.


After planting, water the flower every other day for 3-4 weeks.

After the plant has taken root, water it about once a week, as it dries.

Too much moisture leads to rot and death of the plant.


Although coneflower can grow in the shade, choose a sunny location.

The flower needs at least 6 hours of light per day.


Coneflower grows well in loamy soil.

Try mixing compost and clay.

For fertilizer, use natural products and compost.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Planting coneflower from a pot
  2. Planting coneflower seeds
  3. Coneflower care
  4. Water
  5. Light
  6. Earth