How to feed garlic in the spring so that it is large and does not turn yellow: the secrets of a rich harvest

12.05.2024 10:54

A rich garlic harvest largely depends on fertilizer.

We will talk about fertilizing garlic in the spring.

How and what is the best way to feed garlic

In the spring, for a good harvest, you can sprinkle the beds with wood ash or treat them with urea.

In addition, in the spring you can replenish the soil with dolomite flour. You can also add sand or peat to the soil for better soil nutrition.

If the soil is nutritious, the plant will develop quickly and, most importantly, correctly.

Photo: © Belnovosti

It is best to use ammonia as the first feeding. To do this, you need to dilute about 40 ml of ammonia in a bucket of water.

Water the beds with garlic with a solution in an amount of 1 liter per square meter of planting.

If the soils are poor and easily washed out, try feeding the garlic with various fertilizers 3-4 times during the spring.

Apply spring feeding at different stages of the garlic growing season.

For example, after the soil thaws, the plant sprouts, after flowering begins.

Previously, we told you  how to feed peas for rapid growth.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource