How to properly feed pepper seedlings: the harvest will be ensured

17.03.2024 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Feeding pepper seedlings plays an important role for a rich harvest.

In this article, we will tell you what and how to fertilize seedlings.

How to fertilize pepper seedlings

Bell pepper prefers nutritious and fertile soil, with good air permeability, and neutral or low soil acidity.

The feeding scheme for peppers is approximately as follows:

The soil is fed for the first time 10 days after the entrances appear. .


Fertilizer is applied a second time 2 weeks after picking the peppers.

The last time the peppers are fed is 7-8 days before transplanting the seedlings to a permanent place.

The first fertilizing can be done with superphosphate after the first two leaves appear.

Urea fertilization is done two weeks after the first feeding.

What pepper seedlings don't like

Young plants consume relatively little moisture, so under no circumstances should they be watered frequently or very abundantly.

Otherwise, moisture will stagnate at the roots for a long time, and this can lead to their rotting.

Seedlings - watering is required once every 2 days. Watch out for a subtle nuance: the soil should be sufficiently moist, but not soggy.

The ideal way to test is to take a lump of soil and roll it out between your fingers. If a ball forms, stop watering.

Previously, we told you how to revive indoor plants that have wilted.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to fertilize pepper seedlings
  2. What pepper seedlings don't like