How to understand the quality of seeds: Gardening tips

26.06.2023 01:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

When you buy seeds to plant in your garden, you need to make sure that these seeds are good quality, or it won't work.

It's not easy to understand whether seeds are good quality or not, because it's way easier to see problems in seedlings.

Meanwhile, there are a few ideas that can actually help you.

Visual Appearance

Inspect the seeds for any visible signs of damage, such as cracks, splits, or mold. 

Damaged seeds are less likely to germinate successfully.


Size and Weight

In general, high-quality seeds tend to be plump, firm, and heavier. 

If the seeds appear small, shriveled, or unusually light, it may indicate poor quality.


Look for any discoloration or unusual patterns on the seeds. 

Healthy seeds typically have a uniform color, while discolored or mottled seeds may be of lower quality.

Germination Test

Conduct a germination test to determine the viability of the seeds. 

Place a few seeds on a damp paper towel or in a seed-starting medium and keep them in a warm, well-lit area. 

Monitor the seeds for several days to see if they sprout. 

If a significant portion of the seeds fail to germinate, it suggests that the seed batch may have low quality.

Reputation of the Seed Supplier

Consider purchasing seeds from reputable suppliers or seed companies known for providing high-quality seeds. 

Poor Seedling Growth

If you have already planted the seeds and notice weak or stunted seedling growth, it could be an indication of poor seed quality. 

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Visual Appearance
  2. Size and Weight
  3. Discoloration
  4. Germination Test
  5. Reputation of the Seed Supplier
  6. Poor Seedling Growth