Periwinkle: Growing and Care

03.12.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Periwinkle, unlike most other ornamental plants, feels great both in bright sun and in the shade.

Therefore, it can be planted under bushes and trees, where it will quickly cover empty spaces.

What kind of soil does a plant need

Periwinkle is a forest plant. Therefore, it needs moderately moist soil and humid air.

It tolerates sun and dense shade, but develops better in a semi-shaded place.

Any soil is suitable for this plant, but it is better if it is fertile, slightly acidic, light, moderately moist soil.


How to propagate periwinkle by seeds

On the day of planting, shallow furrows, about 1 cm, are made in the garden bed.

Seeds are placed in them at a distance of 20-25 cm.

If desired, the crops can be made more dense, but then some of the seedlings will have to be transplanted to a new location.

The sown seeds are sprinkled with a layer of soil and watered.

How to water periwinkle

Watering is best done from a hose with water dripping slowly.

Once your Vinca vinca matures, it will become more tolerant of limited amounts of water.

When to prune periwinkle

You can prune your Periwinkle site any time you notice dead, diseased or damaged leaves during the growing season.

As soon as you notice such leaves, find the unwanted leaf, then walk along its stem to the very base of the petiole.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What kind of soil does a plant need
  2. How to propagate periwinkle by seeds
  3. How to water periwinkle
  4. When to prune periwinkle