Three best mushrooms you can grow: Gardening advice

13.09.2023 20:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

If you love mushrooms, then you can try growing them on your own - it's not that hard.

While you can grow plenty of different mushrooms in your garden, there are three best varieties you can start with - they are delicious!

Let's find out more about them.

White Button Mushrooms

These are the mushrooms you often see in grocery stores. They're small and white. 

You can grow them easily in your garden or even in a dark, cool place indoors. They like compost or soil with lots of organic matter.


Crimini Mushrooms

Sometimes called "baby bella" mushrooms, they're brown and have a stronger flavor than white button mushrooms. 

They also grow well in gardens, especially if you've had success with white button mushrooms.

Shiitake Mushrooms

These have a more intense flavor and are popular in Asian cooking. Shiitake mushrooms grow on logs or special mushroom kits. 

You'll need to get shiitake spores or a starter kit to grow them.


Growing mushrooms isn't that hard, but quite rewarding - you can get this amazing ingredient whenever you want.

Fry them, bake them, pickle them - you can use them in so many dishes!

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. White Button Mushrooms
  2. Crimini Mushrooms
  3. Shiitake Mushrooms
  4. Conclusion