Vegetable Growing Tips: How to Grow Broccoli

05.05.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Broccoli is a tasty and healthy vegetable that you can easily grow in your garden. Broccoli can be used in almost any dish: in pies, soups, side dishes, salads.

Proper cultivation and care of broccoli

Broccoli prefers cool air and soil temperatures to grow. Therefore, the vegetable should be planted in the spring, at temperatures below 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

However, for hot climates, there are alternative options - relatives of broccoli with a short ripening period. For example, gallon.

Choose the time for planting a vegetable crop, depending on the frost. You can also grow broccoli indoors and then transplant the seedlings outdoors.

Plant seedlings two weeks before the last spring frost. In addition, seedlings are sold in garden shops and markets.


If you are growing broccoli from seed, sow it 6-8 weeks before the last frost.

Broccoli needs plenty of sun to grow, choose a sunny location and well-drained soil.

You can fertilize the vegetable with organic nitrogen supplements after 3 weeks from transplantation. Feed your broccoli during the growing season.

Plant seedlings about 18 inches apart.

Water the seedlings after planting.

By following these rules, you will have a rich crop of broccoli.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource