Why acidic soil is dangerous: not all summer residents know - important points worth paying attention to

25.03.2024 16:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Acidic soil is a common problem for gardeners.

In this article, we will tell you why this type of soil is dangerous for plants.

Why is acidic soil dangerous in the garden

Increased soil acidity prevents plant roots from feeding.

Because of this, the development, proper growth and productivity of plants in the garden and vegetable garden are disrupted.

Reduced acidity is less harmful for growing vegetables and fruits.


The ideal soil for growing a vegetable garden is neutral in acidity.

Pears, apple trees, currants, lilacs, peonies, honeysuckle, cherries and plums grow especially poorly in acidic soils.

To reduce the acidity of the soil, you can use chalk. It is important that it is well crushed, since the finer the grains, the more active the calcium will act on acidity.

Which plants prefer acidic soil

Some plants grow well in acidic soil. For example, camellia, fuchsia, begonia, monstera, azalea, cyclamen and pelargonium.

They feel great in peat substrate. You can add rotted pine needles or sphagnum moss there.

Previously, we told you why a rose bush can turn black after winter.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why is acidic soil dangerous in the garden
  2. Which plants prefer acidic soil