How to grow eggplant: you will collect 7 kg per bush

17.04.2022 21:15
Updated: 15.02.2024 12:15

Getting a rich harvest of ripe and tasty vegetables is the dream of anygardener, which is easy to realize if you remember some rules.

First you need to take care of the preparation of the soil.

Experienced gardeners recommend fertilizing the ground with chicken manure, and then loosening the soil with a rake.

When planting, you also need to fill the holes with top dressing so that the plant is stronger. For this, half a teaspoon of ammophos is enough.

Plants should also be checked for diseases and pests. It is advisable to carry out preventive work on the beds.

Foto: Pixabay

You can plant onions and dill next to the eggplant. They will save not only from some weeds and diseases, but with their aroma they will drive away ticks and the Colorado potato beetle.

Gardeners use straw as mulch. It should be poured as soon as the plants begin to actively grow.

Some gardeners prefer to make additional shelters from plastic bottles for the reliable preservation of the crop. To do this, the bottom is cut off, and the core is put on the bush.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource