How to return tarnished and stiff terry towels to their former attractiveness: a simple trick

22.04.2022 12:15

It's easier to wash terry towels: they need to be thrown into the machine, put the powder to sleep, set the washing mode and you can rest.

However, with such care, 3-5 washes are enough for the towels to fade, lose the brightness of the colors and become gray.

To return the towels their original appearance, comprehensive measures will be required: 

  • proper washing and spin mode;
  • selection of cleaning products;
  • tricks to soften the fabric.

How to restore the former softness of terry towels

First of all, soak the towels for 12-16 hours in clean cold water so that all foreign impurities leave the fabric fibers.

Use vinegar and soda to restore softness to terry and kitchen towels. Take 1 cup of table vinegar and pour it into the liquid compartment in the machine. Start the washing cycle without rinsing and wringing.

Foto: Pixabay

Pour 0.5 cups of soda into the powder compartment, repeat the same washing cycle. Rinse and wring your towels.

If towels have become stiff due to poor-quality water, then a simple trick will help to neutralize its effect on textiles.

After washing, rinse the towels in a solution of 0.5 cups of vinegar per 10 liters of water.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource