If the cherry blossoms but does not bear fruit, throw a handful of sand into the crown: a rustic trick

16.04.2022 13:15

It happens that cherry blossoms, pleasing the eyes of their own personal plots, but ...

But it doesn't bloom. No fruit set. What to do? It turns out that an elementary action can help.

In the villages, this trick is used all the time. Then the cherry in gratitude endows caring owners with berries. Andplentifully.

All you need is to throw a handful of the most ordinary sand into the crown of a fruitless cherry. The one that is under your feet at every step.

Try it. Throw sand. Wait a while. Then witness many green ovaries.

Foto: Pixabay

After some more time, you will collect and collect berries, collect and collect. From this tree.

Moreover, these berries will be black, ripe, liquid, sweet and tasty.

By the way. In autumn, you can dig a liter jar of ash into the ground along the perimeter of the tree crown if the soil is acidic.

Cherry will like this top dressing very much.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource