Never move the refrigerator to this place: the most dangerous area for the appliance in the kitchen

13.04.2022 16:15

Rearranging the kitchen is an important matter that can also be very useful.

The fact is that the room is usually quite small, so furniture and devices should be located in it as conveniently as possible.

If everything is done correctly, then it will become much easier for the housewife to cope with cooking and cleaning.

However, it is important not to make a mistake and not to put some things in a dangerous place.

So, many people do not even think about the fact that far from any kitchen area is suitable for a refrigerator.

Foto: Pixabay

Where not to put a refrigerator

The appliance must not be located near a heating radiator. An unsuccessful place will be the area near the stove.

In both cases, the refrigerator will be located near the heat source. Moreover, it will negatively affect the operation of the device.

Therefore, the load on the device will increase significantly. The result will be increased electricity consumption.

In addition, this is at best. In the worst situation, the refrigerator will completely fail.

Also, do not forget about the effect of temperature changes on food. Because of this exposure, the food will spoil much earlier.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource