One simple ingredient helps to get rid of curtains’ yellowness: life hacks from housewives

31.03.2022 07:15

Old dusty curtains make a bad impression of an apartment even if it is luxurious.

That’s why you should remember to clean the curtains once in two-three months.

If you notice some yellowness on your curtains, don’t be sad and don’t throw them away.

Experienced housewives know the method to make your curtains shine with whiteness again.

How to whiten the curtains? 

Firstly, try to get rid of dust on your curtains. Then put the curtains into a warm water and leave them for a whole night.

Foto: Pixabay

Afterwards, flush dirty water and pour hot water (approximately 50 degrees) with 3 tablespoons of washing powder to your curtains. 

Leave the fabrics till the next morning. In the next morning it is recommended to rinse curtains and repeat the procedure.

The last step is to rinse the curtains in a warm water again. But it is not enough.

Pour clear water into the bath, so the curtains are fully in water.

Then mix 0.5 liter of water with 3 tablespoons of salt and 5 drops of “Zelenka” in a separate container. Pour this mixture into the bath.

In 3 minutes rinse the curtains carefully twice, and leave them to dry.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource