Of the three compartments in the washing machine, the hostesses use only one: why do we need two more and why it is important not to get wrong

02.04.2022 11:15

Most are accustomed to using only one compartment in the washing machine. The powder is in there.

However, standard models have only three compartments. Many have even forgotten what the other two are for.

However, some do not touch them at all. This is because more and more people are switching to special laundry pod.

In addition, the washing gel can be poured directly into the drum.

However, it's still worth understanding the question of why two more compartments are needed.

washing machine
Foto: Pixabay

This is important to understand so as not to confuse them.

Knowledgeable housewives who know how to wash things with high quality use all three compartments.

Powder for standard washing is poured into one, and for preliminary washing in the second. The middle compartment is needed for the fabric softener.

If you confuse them, the machine will wash the thing with fabric softener, and refresh it with powder.

If the rinse aid does not rinse well, stains will appear on T-shirts and shirts. In the end, everything will have to be redone.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource