Three ways to eliminate unpleasant odors from sofas and armchairs: how experienced housewives do

09.04.2022 16:15
Updated: 08.04.2023 21:42

Furniture can start to smell bad because of the remnants of food on it, as well as the presence of pets.

It seems to inexperienced housewives at such moments that the sofa or armchair can no longer be returned to its normal state.

Throwing out upholstered furniture just because of the smell is a pity. For this reason, donot jump to conclusions.

There are several methods that are effective in combating unpleasant odors.

Method one

This option is great for dark furniture.

Foto: Pixabay

You need a solution of potassium permanganate. However, it should not be too strong, otherwise you can ruin the upholstery.

With the help of a tool and a brush, it is necessary to treat problem areas. After that, the sofa cushions should dry. You can take them out for this to the balcony or courtyard.

Method two

Vinegar is a great help in the fight against unpleasant odors.

The product can simply be sprayed and left to dry completely. He will cope with the problem, and he will disappear in a couple of days.

Method three

We need baking soda and a vacuum cleaner.

As for soda, it must be poured onto a sofa or chair, and then simply left in this state for half an hour. Afterthat, thefurnituremustbevacuumed.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Method one
  2. Method two
  3. Method three