What to plant around the perimeter of the raspberry tree so that it does not grow: the secret of experienced gardeners

26.04.2022 16:15

Raspberries are a tasty and healthy berry that many people love.

However, its cultivation requires the solution of some issues. The fact is that raspberries tend to grow quickly.

Bushes are able to arbitrarily cover a fairly large area of a garden or vegetable garden, because the roots are located under the surface of the soil, periodically giving new shoots.

Measures must be taken to prevent this.

How to prevent raspberry overgrowth

Some are accustomed to using enclosing materials. However, according to summer residents, it is more profitable to take note of another way.

Foto: Pixabay

Experienced gardeners recommend planting nearby crops that will prevent the berry from growing.

It is advisable to take fairly unpretentious plants.

Sorrel, horseradish and garlic are perfect for this task.

If the raspberry starts to grow, it will do it much more slowly.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource