What to sprinkle around the cherry trees to achieve a generous harvest of large and juicy berries: country tricks

18.04.2022 19:15
Updated: 08.04.2023 23:43

Summer residents try to take care of fruit trees on the plot, so that they will then thank with an abundant harvest, which is not a shame to brag about to their neighbors.

There are simple rules that you need to follow if you want your plot to be filled up with cherries, and the berries were sweet, large and juicy.

Tricks on how to make a cherry bear fruit

1. Ground.

Cherry does not like to grow on acidic soils and prefers neutral. If the soil in the suburban area is acidic, then add lime, dolomite flour or chalk. 

You can sprinkle dolomite flour around the cherry at a rate of about 300 g per 1 sq . m .

2. Watering.

Cherries can grow without regular watering, but they will not give a good harvest of sweet berries. If you want to get a big harvest of juicy berries this year, then pour the cherry 3-4 times during the season.

Foto: Pixabay

3. Fertilizer.

Fertilize the soil before planting cherries. During cherry blossoming, give nitrogen nutrition, and during ovary formation and fruiting, feed it with potassium and phosphorus.
In this case, you can count on a good harvest of berries.

4. Crown.

You will not see a good harvest if the cherry has a thick crown. Cherry loves light and space. It is necessary to prune regularly in the spring before the appearance of buds and remove overgrown shoots that have reached sizes of more than 50 cm.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Tricks on how to make a cherry bear fruit
  2. 1. Ground.
  3. 2. Watering.
  4. 3. Fertilizer.
  5. 4. Crown.