Why mature housewives add salt during washing: useful tricks

25.03.2022 17:15
Updated: 08.04.2023 17:48

Not everyone knows that adding salt during the washing process can greatly simplify the care of clothes.

This affordable product can significantly improve the condition of things, have an antibacterial effect and perform many other functions.

Most often, salt is used in two cases - for pre-treatment before washing and for rinsing.

Save color

Repeated washes make the item look worn as the color is washed out of the fabric. This problem can be prevented with a simple trick.

Pour hot water into the basin, dissolve a few large spoons of salt in it. Things should lie down in the solution for 120 minutes.

Foto: Pixabay

After they need to be washed and squeezed. Then wash in the machine or hand wash.

This simple technique is guaranteed to protect the color of things.

During washing

Preservation of color is an important and simple task. But why introduce salt during the washing process itself? The fact is that even high-quality modern machines cannot 100% cope with the remnants of the powder in things.

That's why you need to add salt.

With its help, there will be no trace of the washing solution.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Save color
  2. During washing