Why putbacking soda in the washing machine compartments: the trick of advanced housewives

12.04.2022 10:15

A good housewife knows that all items in the house must be perfectly clean.

This rule also applies to washing machines. Nevertheless, this household item greatly simplifies the washing process.

However, detergents are not always washed out.

As a result, the remnants of powders and conditioners mix and form a dirty coating on the plastic, which over time can begin to smell bad.

How to clean the powder and conditioner compartments

You should first prepare the tools that are in every home. We are talking about backing soda, hydrogen peroxide and laundry soap.

washing machine
Foto: Pixabay

They are not only great for cleaning the house, but also clean the washing machine from dirty deposits.

In a container, mix 50 ml of peroxide, 3 tablespoons of soda and a little grated laundry soap. You need a thick foam.

After that, remove compartments of the washing machine and apply the solution. Left the product for half an hour and then wipe and rinse the element.

When cleaning, pay special attention to yellow spots.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource