Why is worth feeding cucumbers with baking soda: get rid of empty flowers and crooked fruits in a week

21.04.2022 17:15

Feeding cucumbers with baking soda is an excellent solution.

The opinion that garden top dressing reduces the yield of cucumbers is erroneous.

In fact, such a top dressing really "works" and is a very effective tool. The main thing is not to overdo it.

In 10 liters of water, you need to stir 4 tablespoons of soda without a slide and you can water the beds with cucumbers with such a soda solution after watering with ordinary water.

How will cucumbers react to such a top dressing

Foto: Pixabay

There will be fewer curved cucumbers of bizarre shapes in the garden, the leaves will stop turning yellow, the empty flowers will be completely absent. 
All the fruits will grow beautifully shaped, and there will be healthy leaves on the whip.

Soda solution can be watered cucumbers as a prevention of any cucumber problems. The harvest will be in perfect order.

Soda for cucumbers is an excellent remedy and also very affordable.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource