Window sills will be snow-white again: a trick that will get rid of yellow spots, even under flower pots

25.04.2022 19:15

Plastic window sills quickly lose their original appearance.

It may seem to some that it takes a long time to clean the stains. That's not so.

Experienced housewives know what to do so that they remain snow-white. 

Thanks to one simple tool, the window sills will always be clean. At the same time, you do not need to spend a lot of money and effort on cleaning.

It is only necessary to prepare only soda and hydrogen peroxide.

Foto: Pixabay

These two components must be mixed before the formation of mush. 

Then the resulting mixture should be applied to the yellow spots. Leave the solution preferably for 10 minutes for a good effect. If the stains are old, then you can leave the product for 15-20 minutes or more. 

Then the paste should be removed with a damp cloth. 

It is worth adding that such a tool not only cleans the surface, but also disinfects it, gets rid of fungus and bacteria.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource