Choosing wallpapers for a dark bedroom: Interior tips

02.12.2023 19:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

If your bedroom doesn't have enough sunlight during the day, or it doesn't have windows, then it might have a pretty dark atmosphere.

Dark bedrooms can be quite stylish and cozy, and you should need to choose suitable wallpapers for them.

Here are a few tips on how to choose perfect wallpapers.

Lighter Shades

Opt for wallpapers in lighter shades to prevent the room from feeling too closed in. Light colors reflect more light and create a sense of openness.

Neutral Tones

Choose neutral tones like whites, creams, or light grays. These colors can make the room feel more spacious and provide a calming atmosphere.


Subtle Patterns

If you like patterns, go for subtle ones. Avoid overly busy patterns that might make the room feel cluttered. 

Simple patterns can add interest without overwhelming the space.

Large Prints

Consider wallpapers with large prints or patterns. These can create an illusion of depth and make the room feel more expansive.

Vertical Patterns

Opt for wallpapers with vertical patterns. Vertical lines can visually raise the ceiling, giving the impression of higher ceilings in a dark room.

Metallic Accents

Consider wallpapers with metallic accents. These can reflect light and add a touch of glamour, brightening up the space.

Textured Wallpapers

Choose textured wallpapers for added depth. Textures can create visual interest and prevent the walls from appearing flat in a dark room.

Reflective Surfaces

Select wallpapers with reflective surfaces. 

This can include wallpapers with a slight sheen or those with reflective elements that bounce light around the room.

Sample Testing

Before committing to a full wallpaper, get samples and test them in different parts of the room. 

See how they look under both natural and artificial lighting.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Lighter Shades
  2. Neutral Tones
  3. Subtle Patterns
  4. Large Prints
  5. Vertical Patterns
  6. Metallic Accents
  7. Textured Wallpapers
  8. Reflective Surfaces
  9. Sample Testing