Designer Tips: How to Refresh Your Interior Quickly

04.08.2023 03:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

If you want to update your home, you don't have to do renovations. In the article we will tell you what can be changed simply and quickly.

How to update an apartment without repair

One of the most effective, quick and easy-to-implement ways to update is to change textiles. Change the covers on the sofa cushions, buy new curtains and tulle, change the tablecloth, bedspreads, carpets and towels. In this way, you can arrange color accents in a new way and achieve a visible effect.

There are well-known tricks to quickly freshen up walls. For example, paste photo wallpapers, especially in 3D format. Or hang pictures, photographs, posters, collages, self-made moodboards on cardboard of various sizes on the walls. Even children's drawings in the same frame will serve as an original wall decor.

The easiest way to "revive" the space - house plants. It can be potted greens, creepers hanging from the ceiling, a green wall, tubs of flowers, plants on the windowsill or fresh flowers in flowerpots. All this will add color and make the interior lively and interesting.

Just as cleaning is something akin to meditation, so rearrangement is a purification of the soul. By creating an unusual environment, you will inevitably get rid of the excess, sweep the dust from the far corners. The room will become easier to breathe and even seem to brighten.

Photo: Pixabay

The main light source should be warm to create a cozy atmosphere and make the bathroom feel like a warm room, while white or cold light is suitable for local illumination of the mirror area. Thus, both cold and warm light sources can be used equally effectively in the interior of apartments.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource