Expert Opinion: What Lighting Harms Vision - Important to Know

07.02.2024 03:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Artificial light is almost twice as aggressive as natural light, and therefore is considered more harmful to the retina and other structures of the eye.

What kind of lighting is harmful to the eyes

Expressive glare of light is very harmful to vision.

This is why lighting experts often criticize the interior fashion for glossy surfaces, glass and mirrors. Such elements provide noticeable glare.

Glare distracts attention, strains vision, and makes it difficult to focus on the selected object.

Which light is more harmful to the eyes: warm or cold

It should be noted that cold light is perceived as brighter than warm light.


The temperature of the light itself does not affect eye health, but prolonged exposure to cold lighting has a bad effect on mood and overall well-being.

Conclusion - neutral light is best for the eyes.

However, warm shades promote relaxation and rest.

Cold light can dramatically increase productivity and improve concentration.

Previously, we told you what lighting to choose for the bedroom.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What kind of lighting is harmful to the eyes
  2. Which light is more harmful to the eyes: warm or cold