Florist Tips: How to Make a Bouquet

08.08.2023 03:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24


From flowers, you can make bouquets, figurines, panels of natural or artificial flowers, arches, table decorations, also bracelets for hands from natural flowers, a wreath for hair decoration and much more.

How to make a bouquet of fresh flowers

The distribution of flower buds should be correct: on the edge - light flowers with a small bud, in the middle - dark and saturated flowers. No need to oversaturate with greens. Other flowers should not look against her background below. Focus on flowers.

How to make a voluminous bouquet

A good way to enlarge the bouquet is to take a package of the same color as the buds. A smooth transition of shades will visually stretch the volume. Layering. To create not only visual, but also real volume, pack the bouquet in several layers.

How to wrap a bouquet

A bouquet of flowers can be wrapped with craft paper. It can be either plain or with a pattern. Such packaging does not interrupt attention to itself and makes the bouquet very stylish. In addition, the bouquet can be packed in various variations of designer paper.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to make a bouquet of fresh flowers
  2. How to make a voluminous bouquet
  3. How to wrap a bouquet