How to properly place mirrors in an apartment: useful tips

27.02.2024 03:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

In the article we will tell you how and where to place mirrors in the house.

You will learn the best way to hang a mirror.

How to place mirrors in the house

The golden rule when placing mirrors is to have no more than one large mirror on the wall.

After all, mirrors reflect objects that are not actually in this place, so an abundance of mirrors can be disorienting and bring chaos into the space.

Also, try not to place mirrors opposite each other.


In the living room, it is best to hang mirrors opposite the windows.

This will add afternoon light and mood to the room.

In the bedroom, on the contrary, you should hang mirrors next to the window or at the head of the bed.

If you have a fireplace, you can place a mirror above it.

When choosing a place to install the glass sheet, do not forget that it is not recommended to place mirrors opposite windows and doors.

This rule applies to any room in the house. Also, do not hang products on interior doors.

How many mirrors should there be in a house

There should not be many mirrors in the living space, so as not to accumulate too much energy.

It is necessary to install the mirror at head level, so you don’t have to bend over and hunch over to look into it or, conversely, rise on your toes in order to see your face.

Previously, we told you how to decorate the hallway in your house.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to place mirrors in the house
  2. How many mirrors should there be in a house