Useful Tips: How to Arrange a Summer Terrace

16.08.2023 03:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24


In the article you will learn what can be used for repairs on the terrace.

The better to cover the floor on the outdoor terrace

The floor on the terrace can be covered with stone tiles or slabs. It is better to take unpolished material: thanks to the rough surface, it will not slip. Debris can clog between the stone floor slabs, which is difficult to clean. The stone is laid on a leveled surface using a special stone adhesive.

Which board is better to put on an open terrace

Usually choose natural larch or artificial composite, each of which has its own unique advantages. It is these characteristics that we should pay attention to. For the formation of flooring on an outdoor terrace or an open veranda, a deck or terrace board made of larch is suitable.

The better to paint an open terrace

The terrace can be painted with: epoxy (yacht) varnish, rubber paint (enamel), stain and terrace oil, but these paints are expensive.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. The better to cover the floor on the outdoor terrace
  2. Which board is better to put on an open terrace
  3. The better to paint an open terrace