When you can not hang curtains: the designer gave examples - when is it normal

25.02.2024 14:29
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Curtains can hide or distort the originality of the window.

To prevent this, you can use, for example, blinds on roof or bay windows.

Why are curtains needed

Role and significance in design Curtains decorate windows, hide the occupants of the room from the eyes of passers-by on the street, and help zone and balance the space.

The ability of a fabric to retain sunlight can be not only a disadvantage, but also an advantage.

If the apartment faces south, tulle will help protect wall and floor coverings, furniture facades, carpets and upholstery from ultraviolet radiation.


Is it possible to hang tulle without curtains

Tulle will fit perfectly. Living room, hall. Curtains are not needed if this is not the first floor or there are no nosy neighbors opposite.

One tulle is enough for the hall, especially if the room is very narrow, dark, small in size or has low ceilings.

How to darken windows without curtains

The simplest of them is ordinary sun protection film at an affordable price, which can be bought at the market or in a construction supermarket.

It is glued to the windows and prevents ultraviolet rays from entering the apartment.

It can be dark, stained glass or mirrored (made of foil), the choice depends on you and the design of the apartment.

Previously, we talked about mistakes in kitchen organization.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why are curtains needed
  2. Is it possible to hang tulle without curtains
  3. How to darken windows without curtains