Housekeeping tips: Washing a kitchen sink – how often should you do it?

15.01.2024 01:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

A kitchen sink can be a pretty dirty place, simply because it constantly contacts with grease, dirt, food particles, which cause bacteria to grow.

Therefore, you should clean your kitchen sink regularly to avoid smell and disease – but how often should you do it?

Here are a few tips on maintaining your sink nice and odorless.

Daily cleaning

It's a good idea to clean your kitchen sink every day after use. 

Use a sponge or cloth with soap and warm water to wipe down the sink basin, faucet, and handles. 


Rinse it thoroughly with clean water afterward.

Pay attention to food particles

Make sure to remove any food scraps or residue that may have accumulated in the sink. 

Use a strainer or stopper to catch food debris, preventing it from going down the drain.

Weekly deep cleaning

Once a week, give your sink a more thorough cleaning. 

Use a mild abrasive cleaner or a mixture of baking soda and water to scrub the sink basin. 

Pay attention to the edges, corners, and drain area. Rinse thoroughly to remove any residue.

Tackle stains and mineral deposits

If you notice stains or mineral deposits in your sink, you can use a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water to help dissolve them. 

Apply the solution to the affected areas, let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrub gently with a sponge or cloth. Rinse well afterward.

Prevent odors

To prevent odors in your sink, avoid leaving dirty dishes or standing water for extended periods. Keep the sink area dry when not in use.

Previously, we talked about choosing a bathroom sink.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Daily cleaning
  2. Pay attention to food particles
  3. Weekly deep cleaning
  4. Tackle stains and mineral deposits
  5. Prevent odors