How to remove marks from cups from the table: these improvised means will instantly solve the problem

22.02.2024 05:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Cups and glasses often leave marks on the table.

In this article, we will tell you how to effectively remove dirt from furniture.

How to remove cup marks on countertops

To clean white countertops, you can use bleach.

Mix the product with water and apply to the surface with a sponge.

Leave the solution for a few minutes, and then remove any remaining product with a damp cloth.


In addition, you can try polishing the surface with vegetable oil.

In addition, if they are fresh, you can erase them with an eraser.

Wet marks from cups and glasses can be removed by rubbing a fresh walnut onto the stain.

You can remove stains from furniture left by a hot object using paraffin.

To clean, rub the surface of the countertop with paraffin and cover with a paper towel.

Then press the paper with a slightly warm iron to melt the paraffin.

You may have to repeat the procedure several times.

How to remove tea stains on a table

You can clean tea stains from your counter using a mixture of dish soap and water.

If the stain is old, use a solution of vinegar and water.

You can remove old tea stains using an abrasive - baking soda.

Pour a little powder with a couple of drops of water and scrub the surface vigorously with a rag or sponge.

Previously, we told you how to wash jeans so that they do not lose their color.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to remove cup marks on countertops
  2. How to remove tea stains on a table